Congraulations Ms S. chewe for Being Awarded a Scholarship

Congraulations Ms S. chewe for Being Awarded a Scholarship

Oct,16 2013

Susan Chewe, a master's student from Zambia who applied through SICAS was awarded a 20% scholarship amounting to about 1000 usd by Wuhan University of Technology to study Environmental Science and Engineering. This is what Susan Chewe has to say about her scholarship and SICAS:

I'm so delighted to have received the 20% scholarship off my Tuition because this means great savings on my part. My initial Tuition fees were 28 000rmb but i'm only paying 22 400rmb saving about 5600rmb which is a lot of money in China. I'm so thankful to SICAS for helping me acquire this scholarship.

Even if i was not awarded a full scholarship which i initially applied for, I'm really grateful that i was awarded this partial scholarship because it does make a difference . I really hope i can get a full scholarship next year because raising the above mentioned fees has been a straggle on my part
My view about SICAS is that, they are really working hard to ensure that students with good grades hoping to study in China who can not afford to university fees are awarded with scholarships. I submitted my application materials quiet late which made me doubt as to whether i would get a scholarship but to my surprise I got something though not what i applied for. This just gets to show how efficient SICAS is.

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