Thanks Letter form Ama Boakye

Thanks Letter form Ama Boakye

Apr,20 2015

(Editor's Note: Ama  Boakye got admitted as MBBS  student by Taishan Meidcal University through SICAS Adivisor Lisa's help. Here is a thanks letter from her. Let's have a look. )


My name is Ama Boakye.  My dad told me about SICAS and how they helped students get admission to top universities in China to study courses of their choice. I logged on to the website and was given a course adviser Lisa who guided me in choosing courses and leading me all matters that needs attention.

When I was little, I was determined to become a doctor. I told Lisa about my ideas and then she recommended Taishan Medical University for me. I was excited because I knew Taian,Shandong Province was famous for Tianshan Mountain.Since I am fond in sports as well as climbing so much. What a fun is it to study in Taian! After making decision,I sent all the necessary documents to Lisa and she helped me apply and get the  JW202 visa quickly.I believe it must be a hard work,however Lisa made it easy for me.

Obviously,she is such an experienced adivisor. I arrived in China  about a week ago and I'm in my school ready to start lessons now.

Special thanks to Lisa for her help and patience.Thank all the SICAS Team!

Ama Boakye  


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