Study MBBS in China

- Iraqi Students

2013 Jul-25

Recognized by WHO and Approved by China MOE; recognized by MCI Just $50 apply English Taught MBBS. 



Guaranteed application success or your money back.

SICAS marked Popular Medical Universities in the  following form for Iraqi studentsyou can click the red ones directly to apply online.

1. Peking University
2. Shanghai Jiao Tong University
3. Tsinghua University
4. Zhejiang University
5. Fudan University
6. Nanjing University
7. University of Science and Technology of China
8. China Agricultural University
9. Huazhong University of Science and Technology
10. Jilin University
11. Shandong University
12. Sichuan University
13. Sun Yat-sen University(Zhongshan University)
14. Xian Jiao Tong University
15. Beihang University
16. Beijing Normal University
17. Central South University
18. Dalian University of Technology
19. Harbin Institute of Technology
20. Lanzhou University
21. Nankai University
22. Peking Union Medical College
23. South China University of Technology
24. Southeast University
25. Tianjin University
26. Tongji University
27. Wuhan University
28. Xiamen University
29. Renmin University of China
30. Chongqing University
31. Beijing Institute of Technology
32. Northwestern Polytechnical University
33. Hunan University
34. East China Normal University
35. Zhengzhou University
36. East China University of Science and Technology
37. Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics



What Service will SICAS offer me and How much is it if I apply through SICAS?

Just $50 apply for English Taught MBBS.T:+86-15318861816

If you also need Airport Pick up, please email to