Study Chinese in China

The 10 Most Popular Chinese Buzzwords in 2022

2023 Jan-03

China released the 10 most popular Chinese buzzwords in 2022 in December, 2022.

Chinese buzzwords aim to “one word, one expressions describe China and the world”. Encourage people to record their lives in language and describe the social changes and the world in the perspective of China

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10 most popular Chinese buzzwords

党的二十大(the Party's 20th National Congress)

中国式现代化(Chinese path to modernization)

全过程人民民主(whole-process people’s democracy)

端稳中国饭碗(the Chinese people’s food supply has remained firmly in their own hands)

数字经济(digital economy)

太空会师(historic gathering in space)

一起向未来(together for a shared future)

我的眼睛就是尺(my eyes are like rulers)

电子榨菜(digital pickled vegetables)

俄乌冲突(the Russia-Ukraine conflict)


10 new Chinese buzzwords

中国式现代化(Chinese path to modernization)

全人类共同价值(humanity's common values)

全球安全倡议(the Global Security Initiative)

新型实体企业(new type of real economy-based enterprise)

冰雪经济(winter economy)

数字人(digital human)

数字藏品(NFT collection)

场所码(venue codes)

精准防控(targeted epidemic prevention and control)

雪糕刺客(ice cream assassin)

Having been held for 17 consecutive years, the buzzword selection is an annual event jointly launched by the National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center, the Commercial Press, and others.

An algorithm based on a corpus of Chinese characters was used in drawing up the lists, and the final results were confirmed by experts and researchers.

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