When should I apply for courses in the spring semester?

This guidance is for students applying for degree courses or long-term Chinese language courses starting

 in February or March.

Late October: You can start to apply for courses starting in the coming spring (usually in Februarythrough

 SICAS online system. Your application will pass directly to the university. Click to see the application guide.

November to January: Universities will process your application through their account on SICASduring this  time. Please be aware that early applications are favored for the vacancies are limited. You can also track

 the process by login your SICAS account.

December: You will receive admission result from the university if your application has been accepted.

Late January: Deadline for application of most universities. Please submit your application before the


Early February: If you’ve been accepted by the university. Your school will send you a document package

 including: Admission Letter and JW202 form for you to apply for a Student visa for studying in China. Click

 to see how to apply a visa. Please consult admission@sicas.cn if you haven’t received your JW202 form or

 Admission Letter by the time.

Late February to early March: Starting date for Chinese universities. Make sure you will arrive at your school

 before the starting date to register in and settle down.

After the application deadline or starting date: As a service provider, SICAS has a broad cooperation with

 China’s universities. Since we were established on the basis of the invitations and authorizations of China’s

 universities, they usually give priority to application sent through our platform and offer the fastest admissions

 to our applicants. You can consult admission@sicas.cn to see if there are still vacancies for certain courses
