Tips for Off-campus Accommodation Safety
Oct,25 2023
Safety is the first priority for international students. As the first person responsible for safety, what tips of safety need to be reserved? Do you understand everything? Let's learn about the Tips for Off-campus Accommodation Safety.
2. 如更换地址或签证,需携带最新租房合同及签证前往当地派出所更新住宿登记。
1.If you are staying outside of campus, make sure that you register with the local police station within 24 hours of arrival.
2.If youchange your address or visa, you need to bring the latest rental contract and visa to the local police station to update your accommodation registration.
3.According to the law, those who fail to finish the accommodation registration according to the regulations will be given a warning by the police, and may also be fined not more than 2000 yuan.
How to choose the apartment
1. 交通、购物方便性。
2. 进出人员复杂性。
3. 邻近住家是否安宁,附近有无夜市、夜店、庙宇或公园?
4. 租赁处是住宅区、商业区还是工业区?
5. 位置会不会太偏僻,夜间是否有路灯?
6. 网络、冷气、水、电是否另行计费?电费每度如何?
7. 是否有防火巷或相关逃生避难设备(灭火器、逃生缓降梯等)。
8. 走火通道内是否常违规停满汽机车,导致消防车或救护车无法及时通行。
9. 是否为违章建筑。
10. 是否为顶楼加盖。
11. 周围是否杂草丛生、空屋率高否。
12. 门禁设施,是否有铁门?铁窗?公寓是否设有门禁管制?刷卡?
13. 机车停放是否有专属停车场?有无装设监视器系统?
14. 附近有无违规营业之店面?住宅区通常不可以开设店面(如小吃、卡拉 OK
How to choose the apartment: Don’t be too hasty when inspecting thehousing or previewing the apartment
1. Convenient transportation and shopping facilities
2. Observe the types of people who are exiting and entering the building.
3. Does it have a peaceful environment? Observe the surrounding: is there night mar- ket? Night Clubs? Parks? Temples?
4. Is it Residential, Commercial or Industrial Area?
5. Is it a remote position? Is there street light at night?
6. Check whether internet, air condition, water and electricity are inclusive or exclusive. How much per kWh of electricity?
7.Are there fire lanes or other saving equipment in case of emergency? ( Fire extinguisher, Escape Sling, etc)
8. Is the Fire Exit Area blocked by vehicles most of the time; as a result, ambulance and fire engine cannot arrive on time?
9. Is it an unlicensed construction building?
10.Did they cover the penthouse?
11. Is the surrounding overgrown with weeds? How is the probability that it is an Empty House?
12.How is the access control? Are Iron Gate and window with iron grating available? Did the apartment has access control management system? Card Swiping?
13.Is the parking area an Exclusive Parking Area? Does it install monitoring control system?
14.Is there any unlicensed commercial shops? Usually, commercial shops such as Kara- oke are prohibited.
Items needed to keep in mind when signing Apartment Contracts
1. 务必要请房东出示身份证、房产证原件或复印件等,以确定房东真实身份究竟是屋主或二房东;若是二房东,应请其出示与原房东所签订的契约书,了解到底有无可转租他人的规定。
2. 租金多少?何时缴纳?每月、每半年、每年缴?租约期限有多长?
3. 是否要押金?金额多少?何时搬迁?
4. 水电费、大楼管理费、房屋税等金额由谁缴纳?如何计算?缴纳方式为何?
5. 房东提供哪些家具及设备,其使用现况如何,对于状况不佳的设备,最好以拍照存证,以免苦无证据。
6. 确定房东有无其它要求或特殊限制,例如是否可炊膳?养宠物?带异性入内 或过夜等。
7. 您是否可转租他人?或寻找室友分摊房租?
8. 一般合约都注明房客违约时须如何赔偿, 但绝少合约会注明房东如果违约(如 不愿修缮等如何处理?
9. 不要急着签约,匆忙签下合约,又看到别的同学租到更好的想后悔,可能定 金不保。
10. 搬进去之前与房东共同检查(清点)屋内财产,并最好建立财产清单。各有 一份。
11. 了解前次租屋者的状况(考虑是否换锁)
Items needed to keep in mind when signing Apartment Contracts:
1. Need to ask the landlord to show his/her ID card, original and copy of the Property Ownership Certificate, this is to clarify whether the person is the landlord or sublessor. If he/she is the sublessor, the person should display the original contract that was signed between the landlord and the sublessor. The reason for this act is to clarify whether the sublessor has the right to re-rent the apartment or not.
2. Need to discuss about the monthly rental, monthly payment date (monthly,semi-an- nually, or annually) and the duration of the contract.
3. Is there a requirement for deposit? How much is the deposit? When can you move in?
4. Find out who is going to pay the electricity bills, water bills, building management fee, property tax, etc. Find out about calculation and payment form of these fees.
5. What are items that the landlord provides in terms of furniture, household appliances and facilities that the landlord provides? How are the items’ are present condition? If items are in bad condition, it is suggested to take a picture as evidence.
6. Cross Check whether the landlord has any prohibition such as cooking, pets, visitor rules, etc.
7. Ask whether you have the right to re-rent the place or not? Check whether you can share the rental with a roommate or not.
8. The compensation in a contract usually only states how the tenants need to compen- sate if he/she violates the contract; therefore,tenants need to know the landlord’s compensation obligations in case the landlord violates the contract.
9. Don’t be hasty to sign the contract. Deposits are not refundable.
10.Before moving in, it is suggested to have an Apartment Property Check with your landlord.
11.Find out about the Ex- tenants present state to decide whether you need to change lock or not.
四、进入租屋后日常应注意 Items that require your attention after moving in
1. 最好将房门换锁。
2. 与邻居建立友好关系。
3. 避免和陌生人共乘电梯。
4. 深夜莫走暗巷。
5. 检点行为勿添他人困扰,尤其深夜切勿喧哗、音乐音量勿扰他人安宁。
6. 与房东保持良好关系,房东会主动关心您的安全。
7. 注意租屋附近是否有可疑人物。
8. 如与多位同学分租网络线,请注意网络线、延长线之安置,以免行走绊倒,尤于夜间更容易引起意外。
Items that require your attention after moving in:
1. It is best to change the lock.
2. Build positive relationship with your neighborhood.
3. Avoid being in the same lift with strangers.
4. Avoid walking on dim-light corridors at late night.
5. Behave in an expected manner. Don’t create nuisance to your neighbors by keeping a peaceful environment at night.
6. Build a healthy relationship with landlord; Landlord will be initiatively concerned about your safety.
7. Be aware of any suspicious persons around the building.
8. Have the internet lines in its property to avoid any accidents at night.
Contact Information Change Report
不少同学在学习期间的地址和联系方式会发生变化, 在这种情况下大家一定要记得及时将你新的地址、电话和 E-mail 告诉留学生办公室。因为留学生办公室会经常向留学生发出重要通知,在紧急情况下需要和同学们联系,只有留学生办公室掌握了准确的联系方式,才能确保联络的通畅,当同学们有困难和问题时留 办也可以及时地帮助大家。
Contact Information Change Report:
Please provide the Student Affairs office with updated information if there is a change in your personal contact and address. The office (OSIA) frequently needs to pass on important notices to students; therefore, it is crucial for the office to have accurate con- tact information. Only this way, the office (OSIA) can maintain a regular contact with students and give a quick hand in case of any difficult problem.
Safety of Using Electricity&Fire&Gas
2. 请勿在房间内使用明火,如抽烟、点燃蜡烛等行为。
3. 请勿在房间堆放易燃易爆物品,如纸箱、地毯、烟花等物品
4. 在使用灶具过程中,人不能远离,防止因沸汤溢出或风吹引起灶具熄火引发燃气泄漏。
6. 在日常使用中要注意检查灶具及胶管,及时修理,防止燃气灶具漏气。
1.Pay attention to the safety of electricity use, and do not buy electric appliances without quality standard.
2.Please do not use fire in your room,such as smoking, lighting candles, etc.
3.Please do not put flammable and combustible items in your room,such as paper boxes, carpet, and fireworks, etc.
4.In the process of using the cooker, people should not stay away from it to prevent gas leakage caused by the stove flameout caused by boiling soup overflow or wind blowing.
5.After using gas, the switch of the cooker and the valve in front of the cooker should be closed to prevent gas leakage. If you go out for a long time, you need to close the valve in front of the meter.
6.In daily use, pay attention to check the cooker and rubber hose, and repair them in time to prevent gas leakage from the gas cooker.
If you need help, you can find SICAS care team.
SICAS will help you “rent an apartment” in a safe district near your campus if you need it.
SICAS also help you to check and sign the Apartment Renting Agreement between you and your Landlord to avoid any renting problems in the future, and make sure all the items will be right within the define of the Law of Chinese Central Government & Local Government, and also the regulation of Universities and Police Station, PR.C.
Studying overseas can be a big step since this is the first time that you ever have to stay away from your family. However, SICAS Care team do everything they can to ensure you feel quickly at home.
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